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Respuestas 2

A Dog's life

Hi. I’m Dino, the family dog. I help keep people safe, especially on the roads. Take a look at my diary to see what I did last week. Some children really don’t think. Our neighbour’s boy ran in front of a car to get his ball. The car almost hit him. I saved him though. Remember, always look and listen.

Walking on the street at night can be very dangerous, especially if you wear dark clothes. Car drivers can’t see you very well, just like these two I had to take home. Luckily I never go out without my reflective jacket and collar. Remember, BE SEEN! People can get very angry when driving, usually for silly reasons. One driver started shouting at Mum today when she stopped to let some children cross the road. I soon made him stop.

One thing makes me really mad. Grrrrrr. People walking on a dangerous road when they can walk on the safe pavement. I saw two girls doing that today but I soon made them change their minds. Seat belts can save your life! I make sure everyone in our car wears their seat belt. If they forget, I soon remind them. Even I’ve got one.

I like Fridays. The roads are quieter. But you still have to be careful. I caught Dad talking on his mobile phone while driving. I soon stopped him though. Don’t worry, he got his phone back. Today Mum took me for a walk. One car was parked in a very dangerous place. It was right on the corner of the street. Don’t worry though. I left him a message!


en español


había una vez una niña que e llamaba lía, un día saliendo de la escuela fue camino a su casa pero se cruzo con algo que quedo impactada por lo que vio ,era un perrito que tenia un aspecto horrible tenia un ojo rojo y el otro verde no tenia una oreja y era de color azul con café, el perro miro ala niña y de repente el perro mordió ala niña, la niña se avía infectado!!, y se convirtió en un perro como el, los perros fueron acabando con la humanidad, los doctores estaban asustados que se encerraron en el hospital pero uno con valentía salió al exterior a encontrar la cura, pasaron años y años, asta que un día el volvió se di cuenta de que no quedaban humanos, fue corriendo al hospital pero ya no avía hospital se avía incendiado no quedaba nada así que agarro su pistola de agua y metió la cura, fue disparando a los perros pero era demasiado tarde el ya avía sido contagiado y los perros avían triunfado, y en las ruinas espera EL PERRO DE LA ENFERMEDAD JAMAS DESCUBIERTA para atacar a su próxima victima.


en ingles


Once upon a time there was a girl called Lía, one day when she was leaving school she was on her way home but she ran into something that was shocked by what she saw, it was a dog that looked horrible, it had one red eye and the other green. It did not have an ear and it was blue with brown, the dog looked at the girl and suddenly the dog bit the girl, the girl was infected!!, and it became a dog like him, the dogs were ending humanity The doctors were scared that they locked themselves in the hospital but one bravely went outside to find the cure, years and years passed, until one day he came back and realized that there were no humans left, he ran to the hospital but no longer The hospital was on fire, there was nothing left, so he grabbed his water pistol and put the cure in, he was shooting the dogs but it was too late, he had already been infected and the dogs had triumphed, and in the ruins waits THE DOG OF DISEASE NEVER DISCOVERED to attack your next im a victim

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