ayuda chicos, es de la 2 condicional

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Respuestas 1


1.- Question:

What would you do if you find a mobile phone un the street?


I would ...

2.- Question:

If a friend argue with you, what would you do?


I would..

3.- Question:

Would you learn sign language if a friend teach you?


Yes, I would./ No, I wouldn't.

4.- Question:

If you win a los of money what would you buy?


I would buy...

5.- Question:

If you learn a new skill what It would be?


It would be...


La segunda condicional se forma de la siguiente manera:

  • En positivo tendríamos que poner would después del sujeto, el verbo después de este tendrá que ir en forma base.:

Suj + would + base form of the verb.

  • En negativo solo tendríamos que añadir el "not" a would (wouldn't).

Suj + would not (wouldn') + base form of

the verb.

  • En interrogativo tendríamos que poner el would delante del sujeto.:

Would + suj + base form of the verb.

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