Ayudaa por favor!!es para mañana ​

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Respuestas 1


Tenes que observar el cuadro.


  • SI Cookie
  • SI Milk
  • NO Coffee


  • NO Cookie
  • SI Milk
  • SI Coffee


  • NO Cookie
  • NO Milk
  • SI Coffee

Te pide que uses "some" (alguna) o "any" (ninguna) y el verb "to have" en present simple (has / doesn't have).


Have y don't se usa con los pronombres I, you, we, they.

Has y doesn't se usa con los pronombres he, she, it.

Como todos son he (John) o she (Cathy, Anne), para SI usas has, para NO usas doesn't have.

1. Anne has some cookies for breakfast.

2. Anne has some milk for breakfast.

3. John doesn't have any cookies for breakfast.

4. John has some milk for breakfast.

5. John has some coffee for breakfast.

6. Cathy doesn't have any cookies for breakfast.

7. Cathy doesn't have any milk for breakfast.

8. Cathy has some coffee for breakfast.

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