hola les voy a contar mi profe de ingles no puso a hacer diapositivas en Power point y ami me toco una tema de serie o pelicula favorita para hacer en diapositivas y pasarlo a una memoria y Aser la presentación y la que yo quiero es que me manden como puedo representarlo ósea me mandan una foto o me dicen como hacerlo. la peli puede ser una jefe en pañales me mandan una texto sobre eso o asii gracias.

Respuestas 1


Pues podrías comenzar con el título por ejemplo en mi caso hablar de la película Control: the life of Ian Curtis


Iniciar dando el nombre, por ejemplo en una diapositiva poner:

Control: the life of Ian Curtis

Control: the life of Ian CurtisDirected by: Anton Corbijn

Control: the life of Ian CurtisDirected by: Anton Corbijn It's a British biographical film about the life of Ian Curtis, singer of the late-1970s English post-punk band Joy Division.

Control: the life of Ian CurtisDirected by: Anton Corbijn It's a British biographical film about the life of Ian Curtis, singer of the late-1970s English post-punk band Joy Division.(ingresar una imagen de la portada del filme y una del director)

Luego explicar quién es el personaje del que se habla:

Who is Ian Curtis?

Ian Kevin Curtis (15 July 1956 – 18 May 1980) was an English musician, singer, and songwriter. He was best known as the lead singer, guitarist, and lyricist of the post-punk band Joy Division, with whom he released the albums Unknown Pleasures (1979) and Closer (1980). He was noted for his dark baritone voice, unique dancing style, and songwriting that was typically filled with imagery of loneliness, emptiness, and alienation.

(agregar una imagen, en este caso de Ian Curtis y su banda, portadas de álbumes y así)

Luego hacer una explicación de porque te gusta:

It's my favorite movie because it talks about an iconic character in music and how he has to face various situations from getting married at 21 and having a daughter, dealing with epilepsy, depression and having a band that is in pursuit of becoming an icon.

It's my favorite movie because it talks about an iconic character in music and how he has to face various situations from getting married at 21 and having a daughter, dealing with epilepsy, depression and having a band that is in pursuit of becoming an icon.Until reaching the point of his tragic death at the age of 23 due to sui_cide and how he left a huge mark on music with his tragic poetry within his lyrics and the inspiration for future bands such as new order, interpol, the horrors and the rest.

(Ingresar fotos de las bandas, su lápida)

Dar datos curiosos acerca del filme, opcional

y acabar dando un mensaje de porque deberían verlo:

Es una película interesante con un soundtrack que te envuelve en las distintas atmósferas dentro de la película.

It is an interesting film with a soundtrack that envelops you in the different atmospheres within the film.

It is an interesting film with a soundtrack that envelops you in the different atmospheres within the film.Despite being by director's choice in black and white, it is totally enjoyable

It is an interesting film with a soundtrack that envelops you in the different atmospheres within the film.Despite being by director's choice in black and white, it is totally enjoyablewhich at the same time alludes to raising awareness about mental problems.

It is an interesting film with a soundtrack that envelops you in the different atmospheres within the film.Despite being by director's choice in black and white, it is totally enjoyablewhich at the same time alludes to raising awareness about mental problems.And being able to enjoy several songs about this 70's band that to this day continue to sound like something new.

Y ya ahí finalizas y todo pero a la vez tratar de no incluir demasiadas letras sino imágenes que expliquen los puntos a los que quieres llegar.

Otro consejo no quedarse quieto caminar de un lado para otro, si estás nerviosx tener un lápiz o apuntador en mano, explicarlo en tu propia forma como te sientas cómoda y ya con eso. Suerte!

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