1. Tienes que poner ing al final del verbo ej: she is dancing, kenner is swming,they are building a house,i am breaking the window,we are watching tv.
2. El verbo se tiene que estar haciendo justo ahora que halla iniciado en el pasado y terminara en el futuro:she is dancing, kenner is swming,they are building a house,i am breaking the window,we are watching tv.
3. Siempre tiene que tener un is: she is dancing, kenner is swming,they are building a house,i am breaking the window,we are watching tv.
4. Si es pregunta el is se pone al inicio:is she dancing?, is kenner swming?,are they building a house?,am i breaking the window?,are we watching tv?
5. La estructura tiene que ser : sujeto + verbo to be + verbo principal-ing + complemento (si se desea poner?:she is dancing, kenner is swming,they are building a house,i am breaking the window,we are watching tv.